How To Create A New Life, Part 2


Istanbul, Turkey

Traveling as a tourist and traveling to live cheap, are two different things. If I signed up for “tourist” activities I would go broke quickly.

So just last week, when the months of planning and booking hotels came to an end, I realized I have to create a new life. I would have to find stuff to occupy my mind and occupy my free time. The way I look at it, I can only spend from nine am to five pm visiting sights. Other than that I have to do something that won’t cost me an arm and a leg.

But more than that, I get the opportunity to learn, study or practice just about anything I want. My choices are open. So here’s how I decided to start dedicating my time. Since I usually wake up between six and seven am, I have time to myself every day. So here’s the plan…

My morning routine

The first ten minutes will start with a glass of water followed by stretching exercises.

After that, I will do about twenty minutes of self/personal development work. ( I know this is a broad term, but each of us has a definition of what personal development is. I do mine, you do yours).

This will be followed by twenty minutes of reading.

Then breakfast.

My nighttime routine.

Fifteen minutes of writing in a journal.

Fifteen minutes of personal development.

So that’s the routine I want to start with, but that’s just the beginning. Because I want to spend at least twenty minutes a day, five times a week, studying the following…

This Blog.

There’s a lot of work that needs to be done behind the scenes to get my message out to the right people. And I already have plans to redo my entire blog layout.


I have practiced magic since I was eight years old. And I’m sure it’s no surprise that I brought plenty of things to practice and perform for people. It’s a fun skill to have and I love doing it!

Chat GPT

Like it or not, artificial intelligence is here to stay. And I want to be prepared, because when it takes hold most people won’t be ready. I’m surprised that so many people don’t know about it.


When they survey successful Athletes, CEOs, scientists, etc… meditation is one of the habits they use daily.

I’m sure the list will change over time. I will discover what works for me and run with it. I will let you know how it goes.

Till next time, enjoy life’s journey.

Joe OBrien

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